.. toctree:: :glob: Rover Hardware ######################### An illustration regarding the different Rover components and where they are located in the Rover is given below: .. image:: ../roverstatic/images/rovercomponents.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: ../roverstatic/images/rovercomponents.png .. note:: The complete list of materials to construct a rover is given in `APP4MC Rover Wiki `_. ************************************************* Motor Driver Layer ************************************************* In order to drive the motors of the DFRobot rover chassis, `Pololu MC33926 Motor Driver for Raspberry Pi `_ is used as a shield on top of Raspberry Pi 3. For convenience in applications, following resources might be helpful (taken from Pololu): * **Schematic Diagram:** `Schematics `_ * **DXF Drill Drawing:** `Drill drawing for designing a layer on top `_ * **Shield Pin Locations:** *check image* .. image:: ../roverstatic/images/motorshield.jpg :width: 60% :align: center :alt: ../roverstatic/images/motorshield.jpg ************************************************* RoverSenseLayer Revision 2 ************************************************* .. image:: ../roverstatic/images/roversenselayer.png :width: 80% :align: center :alt: ../roverstatic/images/roversenselayer.png **RoverSenseLayer Revision 2** is a custom made circuit board that is designed as a shield on top of Pololu MC33926 Motor Driver. RoverSenseLayer Revision 2 provides interfaces for OLED display, sensors, buttons, analog to digital converter, voltage converters, and more. Complete list of interfaces are given below: * 2x Push button * 1x Buzzer * 4x Sharp GP2Y0A41SK0F Analog Distance Sensor * 1x Pololu Dual MC33926 Motor Driver Connector * 1x A/D Converter MCP3208 DIP16 * 2x I2C-tolerant Logic Level Converters * 1x HMC5883L Magnetometer * 1x GY-521Y Accelerometer * 1x OLED Display 0.96" I2C 4-pin * 1x DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor * 2x HCSR-04 or Grove Ultrasonic Sensor * 4x Extra I2C lines for various sensors RoverSenseLayer Revision 2 design properties are as follows for production: * Two-sided 82x67mm * Minimum hole size 0.3mm * Minimum track/spacing 6/6mil * Cutouts required * Plating required * Montage drill holes M2.5 * (Preferrably) Red solder Mask * (Preferrably) White silkscreen .. note:: Schematics can be found in the following git repository: `https://github.com/app4mc-rover/rover-sense-layer-rev2 `_ .. note:: KiCad design files can be found in the following git repository: `https://github.com/app4mc-rover/rover-sense-layer-rev2 `_ ************************************************* Hardware Setup ************************************************* The following image depicts the corresponding software to hardware mapping of proximity sensors and how they should be connected to RoverSenseLayer. .. image:: ../roverstatic/images/roverconn.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: ../roverstatic/images/roverconn.png The following shows the pins used by the current roverapp software (the reference image from https://de.pinout.xyz/pinout/): .. image:: ../roverstatic/images/rover_used_pins.png :width: 100% :align: center :alt: ../roverstatic/images/rover_used_pins.png